The East Bay Chapter of the Haas Alumni Network invites you to join us for a special presentation: How to Produce, Maintain and Increase Top 1% Annual Incomes ($400k – $4m) The event will be led by Greg Scharnagl, a Vice President of The Aji Network, who has been working for nearly 20 years with business owners, executives, managers and expert individual performers who seek to produce top 1% annual incomes ($400k – $4m).
Date: Thursday, February 10, 2011
Time: 6:30 – 8:30 pm
Lafayette Veterans Memorial Building
3780 Mt. Diablo Blvd.
Lafayette, CA 94549
Cost: $20 for Alumni and Guests, $15 for Students
Appetizers and beverages will be served
Register by January 20, 2011 and get access to a special paper entitled “The Aji Source Fundamental Strategy — A 12-Part Knowledge-Based Strategy for Ambitious Businesspeople”. In your registration confirmation you will receive instructions for how to access this paper along with other pre-event work. Four fundamental domains of strategic knowledge exist that enable ambitious businesspeople to begin to open their futures so that they can produce top 1% annual incomes between $400k and $4m, and high enterprise values for their businesses. This talk will address the first two.
First, they need to know how to answer the following question to begin to think and act effectively, strategically and competitively :
“How much money is enough to survive, be free and live a good life throughout one’s entire life, including 20-30 years of old age?”
A well-grounded answer enables ambitious businesspeople to constitute and focus their intentions, and avoid drifting aimlessly or simply seeking to “make more money”,
… which is meaningless without the answer to how much money is enough
… and leads to certain failure, suffering and despair when people become too old to compete successfully.
Second, they need to know the fundamental or underlying strategy, or plan of action, required to produce and maintain top 1% annual incomes — it isn’t common sense —
… because “task-orientation”, hard work, keeping busy and reliance on common sense, common business knowledge, and specific or local strategies common to our culture,
… especially the bottom 99%,
… are never competitive or valuable,
… and never work in the long term to enable people to earn enough money to live a good life, their entire life.
* In addition, and at no charge for Alumni Members who attend
…Optional pre-event and post-event essays and assignments about how to design new offers, practices, narratives and strategies
… as well as forums for those of you who want to work together on your learning and new designs for your business’ offers
… will be available to participants for 2 weeks
… and includes Strategic Projects and Assignments, fundamental strategy, strategic coaching, competitive distinctions, strategic checklists, writings and videos…
… about producing, maintaining and increasing top 1% annual incomes with new offers, practices, narratives and strategies
For a complete invitation that includes a biography on Mr. Scharnagl, a description of The Aji Network and a link for an online talk entitled “How Much is Enough to Live a Good Life… and Why?” please click here.
For questions, contact: Dean Suzuki:
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